ASCII Generator 2.0

Free Convert any image file to ASCII art with this great piece of software
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2.0 See all
Jonathan Mathews
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
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ASCII art is a form of representing images by using printable characters instead of pixels. If a long time ago it was used because it was the only way to create an image, now it is used for aesthetic reasons, to display a graphic form in a text (TXT) document or just to make something look retro (for example a website).

It's hard to manually create an image out of letters. ASCII Generator automates this process and makes it easy. There's no problem with converting images to ASCII art, no matter how complex the graphical elements are.

Even with the default settings, this program achieves great results. In fact, these settings work best for most images. In case you don’t like how the conversion is done or you think you can make the output text look better, this utility is very flexible allowing you to change almost every little detail. Here’s just a short list of what you can change: font, size of font, characters to be used, brightness, contrast, sharpness.

Even if you don’t understand what some settings do, this application is so fast, giving an almost instant result after you tweak something, that you quickly catch on as you see how the output text changes.

In conclusion, ASCII Generator is a great piece of software. The pseudo-images it re-creates, using simple characters, are exceptional. If you look at one of them from a distance or make the font smaller, you’ll notice how it captures even the smallest details. Probably the most impressive thing is that these ASCII "images" keep the three dimensions (depth illusion) from the original photos.

AA Senior editor
Alexandru Andrei
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Review summary


  • Great quality of generated ASCII art
  • Very flexible
  • Results generated almost instantly
  • Real-time preview when you change settings
  • Has a batch converter
  • Batch converter is also very flexible


  • None


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